The New Moon in Cancer: Unlocking Emotional Healing and Manifestation

As we reach the end of Cancer season, we are graced with a final emotional wave to ride: the new moon in Cancer. On July 17th at 2:32 pm EDT, the sun and the moon align in the same zodiac sign, marking the beginning of a new lunar cycle. This lunation brings a renewal period, inviting us to integrate new lessons regarding our emotional security and foundation. The new moon in Cancer is a time to make our needs known in close relationships and to ask for those needs to be met.

Cancer: The Sign of Nostalgia and Emotional Security

Cancer is a water sign, generating emotional energy that can change our lives and those around us. It is a sign of nostalgia, reminding us to reflect on our memories and confront the past in significant ways. Cancer is also known for its nurturing and protective qualities associated with emotional security and our sense of home. During Cancer season, we are asked to slow down and be patient, to feel our emotions fully, and to receive soul nourishment in the face of our past.

At the heart of Cancer is the foundation for healing. Cancer teaches us to heal, restore, and replenish ourselves. To gain these gifts, we must be willing to feel. Feeling is the foundation for everything else Cancer's energy provides us. We must feel to hear our intuition, help others, and grow into the next version of ourselves. Feeling is the starting point for much of what we want to manifest.


Unlocking Emotional Healing and Manifestation with the New Moon in Cancer 

The new moon in Cancer helps us understand our emotions around our intentions and how they affect their manifestation. It is a time to extend our energy into our visions, embody them, feel for any blockages, and start materializing them. When we do so, we create space for new opportunities to find us, releasing what no longer serves us.

To make the most of this lunar cycle, we must be open to surrender, trust, and let go. As we release, we create space for new opportunities to find us and new beginnings to emerge. New moons are considered auspicious times to set intentions, perform rituals or spells, or call in desires or manifestations. When you do so, visualize where you would like to be six months from now (when the full moon in the same zodiac sign will occur).


The Lunar Nodes and Their Influence on the New Moon in Cancer 

The new moon in Cancer arrives with the lunar nodes shifting signs for the next 18 months. With the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra, we are asked to empower ourselves to heal, step away from limiting patterns, and shift relationships that take too much of our energy. This shift also affects the new moon's energy, highlighting the theme of this lunar cycle. It is time to walk our soul's path, embrace our instincts and intuition, and notice how we exchange energy with others.


Astrological Aspects Influencing the New Moon in Cancer

This new moon is highly aspected, highlighting many luminary vibrations today. The new moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, which teaches us about our past pain and trauma. It reveals pieces of our soul that are unhealed and need attention. It also shows where we have lost our power or given it away. As we sit with the vibrations of this new moon, let us ask ourselves if we have lost our power in some way or spend too much energy thinking about the past or trying to suppress it. 

This new moon in Cancer also works with Neptune in Pisces, helping us access our more profound dreams and desires. Sometimes, a dream is more exciting when it's simply just a fantasy. When we start to bring it into form, it takes a different shape, which may not initially be the outcome we were looking for. Some dreams are simply part of the process to help us understand what we really want. As the Moon forms a trine with Neptune, feel into which dreams you want to bring detail and which provide space for new dreams to emerge.

The new moon in Cancer also forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus, breaking up energy and moving stagnant vibrations to give way for something new. This aspect can help us recognize where we have patterns that drain our energy and where we need to change perspectives to reclaim our power.


Your Invitation: A Yin Yoga Sequence for Emotional Release

 We must release the body and its energy to allow emotions to flow freely. Yin Yoga uses longer holds than a typical yoga practice, allowing you to relax into the pose and allow your body to release fully. Focus on your breath and use it to keep your mind centered as your body lets go of tension. Here is a Yin Yoga sequence for emotional release:


  • Wide-Knee Child's Pose (Balasana)

  • Dragonfly Pose (Upavistha Konasana)

  • Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

  • Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

  • Supported Fish Pose (Matsyasana)


Use props during this sequence to support your body and allow yourself to fully release any tension or emotions you may be holding onto.



The new moon in Cancer brings us a renewal period, inviting us to integrate new lessons regarding our emotional security and foundation. It is a time to make our needs known in close relationships and ask for them to be met. During this lunar cycle, we are asked to slow down and be patient, to feel our emotions fully, and to receive soul nourishment in the face of our past. As we release what no longer serves us, we create space for new opportunities to find us and new beginnings to emerge. Let us embrace our instincts and intuition, walk our soul's path, and notice how we exchange energy with others.

Laura Brown

Trauma-Informed Intuitive Guide and Transformational Coach

The Cosmic Compass: Understanding the Lunar Nodes in Aries and Libra


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