March Channeled Reading

A little behind the times in delivering this month's channeled reading, but all for good reasons! Life tends to pick up its pace as we approach the Equinox around our home, and I've been focused on spaciousness so I can come to each moment with less pressure and rigidity. You will enjoy this month's channeled reading as we explore the energy of unity.

This month’s channeled reading

Explore the notion of unity, whatever that word means for you or to you. Explore what unity within yourself means. How do you carry yourself when in unity? What does a day feel like or look like when you are unified?

Where do you resist unity, looking to those spaces and relationships where you're currently experiencing hardship? Are there places where you see or perceive opposition or competition? Without judgment, explore if there are spaces where you even thrive on a lack of unity or where you sometimes plant seeds of dissension just for doing so.

We do not ask this of you so you can layer additional layers of self-judgment or criticism on yourself. We invite you to entertain these suggestions and get curious about unity. Play with the notion of unity and see what you discover.

Perhaps engaging with unity leads to shifts in being and perceiving, but be open to discovering places where changes towards unity are not accessible. We encourage you to accept and perceive both as fruits gained from this journey.

Notice how both enhance your relationship with unity with yourself and those in your life.

Let us explain it this way. Experiencing unity with the last person who broke your heart may not even be desired or possible. You're growing, healing, and living at a frequency with which this person is incompatible. But in exploring unity, notice that acknowledging who and where you are today no longer resonates with this person and unlocks something within. Does it not imbue a more unified self?

We also would not suggest that you take the job you no longer feel unity towards and toss it away at the expense of the bills you must pay, the food you need in your belly, or the roof over your head. But doesn't knowing this job is no longer unified open up a curiosity of 'if not this, then what'? There's no rush, no place for you to get to, or a timeframe for getting there. Do you notice how curiosity ignites you to explore?

We encourage you to open to lightness and a sense of unity within, even as you discover the spaces lacking unity.

To allow these spaces to ignite curious exploration, inviting new opportunities and venturing further outside your comfort zone.

Ultimately, you are here to experience all of the grand carnival of life and evolve through these experiences!

There's nothing to resist or avoid when it's approached with the understanding that you agreed to come to this carnival with all its funhouse mirror distortions, jubilant music, and tummy-tickling rides!

Noticing where and with whom you no longer are in agreement with invites the change necessary for growth. It can be thrilling and sometimes terrifying, but it's all part of the experience you signed up for.

So go forward this month with a sense of curiosity and explore! Invite possibility and, however slowly, intend to live with a greater understanding of unification with yourself and others.

Laura Brown

Trauma-Informed Intuitive Guide and Transformational Coach

frequency | channeled message


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