Pisces New Moon

The Pisces New Moon on Sunday, March 10, is a clearing of subconscious sludge and a portal into new beginnings that will shape what we experience and who we will become as the year progresses.  

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and symbolizes the souls’ evolution through the lessons of the previous 11 signs. It is associated with the 12th house of endings, the psyche, and the unconscious.

As we dive into the energy of this transit, you’ll experience a high tide of emotions that point you directly to what is ready to be released. Embrace this with a sense of unbridled confidence and hope. Even in confrontation with the stickiest of emotions and the memories associated with them, we have the choice to see this purge for what it is: an alignment to our deepest desires.

 Now is the time to consider how what’s been buried within negatively impacts your ability to reach your potential in this lifetime.

Not that you have to wait for the difficult emotions to arrive before knowing what no longer serves you. The Pisces New Moon heightens your intuition and awareness, helping you to hone in on the core issues holding you back. What or whom have you outgrown? What have you been holding onto out of misplaced sentimentality? Like the physical clutter we find in our homes, this emotional and energetic clutter takes from your inner vitality and depletes how you show up in other spaces. When you clear it, this vitality returns to you, allowing you to feel an increase in stamina and fuel your creativity and possibility. 

New Moons are an invitation for creation, and in the sign of Pisces, you have no better energy to create your next masterpiece in whatever form calls to you. 

Add to this the start of Aries season on March 19, and you have some serious oomph to build momentum and give form to the ideas ready for you to bring into the world. Though it may seem oppositional, we must go back to go forward. By diving into our depths and releasing what has been dredged from the bottom, we create the space needed to bring the ‘new’ into our lives. The further down you’re willing to go, the higher you soar on the other end of this transit.

This transit intersects with the North Node, Saturn, Neptune, and Chiron. In layman’s terms, it is a powerful, if not paradoxical, transit.

Key themes :

Consider the impossible possible

Trust yourself to face what felt too confronting in the past

Trust your inner wisdom and where it directs you

Create a delicate balance between fantasy and reality

Consider that how you feel is always valid but not necessarily the truth

Laura Brown

Trauma-Informed Intuitive Guide and Transformational Coach


Libra Lunar Eclipse


Virgo Full Moon