February Channeled Message

Please note that this channeled message is done first through automatic writing. The frequency of this message is received through reading these words, viewing the images of the channeled message provided in this post as well as listening to the podcast episode for February’s message here.

When I transcribe this message for the blog, I do so verbatim, so when you see prompts they provide me, don’t let them confuse you. Anything they prompt me to do or explain further I do so after the transcription.

Let’s begin.

February Channeled Message

(If you prefer to listen, you can do so below)

See February-or the start, as the final flushing of old paradigms and cycles. There’s nothing energetically available for them to survive in the present unless you begin to create a space that nurtures the old.

Releasing, flushing, and cleansing on all systems, levels, and components of being, across all time, space and dimension are vital at this time.

As you walk into February, new timelines are revealing themselves and the fresh opportunities, possibilities, and positioning may feel like an odd mixture of thrilling and daunting.

You’ll ride a wave enjoying (maybe) this spectrum and we want you to understand what is happening and why. Your system thrives on a certain illusion of predictability. It’s jolted into hyperactivity whenever something novel and unknown enters your experience (even wanted). This is especially true of those with a history of hardship.

Releasing the familiar comfort of even undesired and unwanted constructs while opening to the new paths available will create a bit of an internal battle.

This battle, in truth, can be boiled down to conflict between your higher and lover selves (explain lower, please). One knows it’s safe to release and receive. The other thinks release ad receiving could be threatening. Invoking your higher self, IAM presence, and asking for higher levels to be brought into the human in concentrations that can be held and sustained (explain) while affirming that your higher self is in the driver’s seat. Your lower self, as a fundamental aspect of your human nature, is always welcomed along for the right, in the passenger seat.

February will be very expansive asking for higher levels of discernment of what is allowed into your inner and outer environment.

Go over all things with great care and attention.

Is this self-honoring?

Is this adding support or taking it away?

Ask these for every thought, word, action, choice, relationship et. al.

So many want to experience beauty and bounty and yet ignore the toxic wasteland of their environments. They make unhealthy choices, pair with toxic and abusive partners, and think and perceive in such a fearful and unhelpful manner.

We’re not attempting to confront you with your failures (perceived) but rather to contrast this of the past to what we ask of you going forward. Because what you have done, how you have done it, all of the before does. not. matter. All that matters is right now.

Take a deep, heart-centered breath. Come into (with your focus) this absolute still point at your center.

All that matters is that you do differently. Think of it as a grand experiment! Can you commit to doing differently moving forward?

Not with rigidity-there are times when human nature and this journey will bring out the old. We can hear you asking “but doesn’t this mess everything up? Isn’t that bringing the old into these new spaces?”

Simply put, no. Not at all. These fleeting moments are irrelevant. It’s what happens often and with (they happen to coincide, explain please) the greatest energetic/emotional charge that puts you in alignment with the universal flow.

It’s what you do most. What you say most. What you think most, feel most, and surround/consume most that hold the greatest and most significant charge!

Today is about committing and tomorrow and the day after recommitting and deepening.

Suggested Activities

  • Physical cleanse through omitting dense products, substances/chemicals.

  • Baths, sweat lodges, or sauna

  • Thought/belief/perspective audit

  • Relationship and external construct audit

  • Making time work for you-time for routines such as stillness, breathing, meditation, and movement

In explanation

*Our higher and lower self is a reference to our Soul/Higher Consciousness and what we call the ego/personality. This is not said to imply hierarchy as each is seen as indispensable to this experience and to one another.

*Energetic expansion is what happens naturally in a calm and centered body and energetic system. When we have a history of hardship our energy is dense, tighter, and held closer to the physical body. This only allows us to hold so much energy, especially of a higher frequency. This is why working on energetic expansion is vital to holding greater levels of higher consciousness and higher frequency. The more we practice methods that calm our nervous system and create sympathetic/parasympathetic balance, the more expansive our energetic field and the greater our capacity to hold higher energies.

*They wish to point out that what we do often and what holds the greatest emotional/energetic charge coincide as it stands to reason that not only is their greater emotional energy present with those things we do most often, the accumulative effect of the activity amplifies the core charge. Fleeting moments, even those which feel drawn out to us because of our perceptual lens around time, do not disrupt or invert any potentiality.

You can listen to the transmission for added benefit.

Laura Brown

Trauma-Informed Intuitive Guide and Transformational Coach


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