Libra Lunar Eclipse

In the wee hours of Monday, March 25, we begin the spring/summer eclipse season with a penumbral lunar eclipse in Libra's early degrees (5 and 13 seconds, to be exact).

While this transit isn't bringing anything visually breathtaking, it will inescapably grab and demand our attention.

What is an eclipse again?

Think of an eclipse as a disruptor to the typical cosmic rhythm between luminaries. An eclipse occurs when the moon reaches its orbit's northern or southern boundaries or lunar nodes.

What is an eclipse, astrologically speaking?

Eclipses come across as a deluge of cosmic energy that floods our lives with intense situations, life-altering changes, and sudden epiphanies that redirect (and most often, it more of a course correct) our lives. When an eclipse occurs in an important area of your chart, you are sure to feel the effects more significantly, though all signs are subject to eclipse energy.

What does this eclipse mean for me?

While an eclipse can bring intense friction to our lives, it's important to remember that they're connected to the lunar nodes, literally our destiny. The eclipse on March 25 takes place within the south node, indicating that our subconscious patterns, limiting beliefs, and toxic behaviors are rising to the surface. Understandably, we can expect this eclipse to pack a more emotional punch. Still, we should see this transit as an opportunity to release what weighs us down, allowing us to elevate ourselves more freely to our highest potential.

Those with planets or placements in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will feel the effects poignantly, so you will want to check your natal chart to see if this is you. The house the eclipse takes place in your chart will provide you with greater clarity on what you can expect.

How can I best prepare for the eclipse?

With emotions running higher than normal, this is a good time to clear your calendar of unnecessary events. The potential for conflict is high now, and our emotions can easily get the best of us if we are not careful.

If conflict does (and it will likely) knock on your door, don't hesitate to take your time before responding. Give yourself time to release some emotion and collect your thoughts. Once you feel more centered, then handle what you need.

While many people like to manifest during full and new moons, it is not advisable to do so during an eclipse. The energy is far too volatile and erratic, and you're more likely to manifest something you didn't intend and may not want.

However, this is a good time to take stock of where you are in life. Are you satisfied or feel like you've been living on autopilot? How has your life changed since six months ago, when we last had an eclipse along the Aries/Libra axis? What events that arose at that time are relevant today? This reflection will help you in the growth that this cycle (that stretches into March 2025) is making available and ensure that you come out of the chaos stronger and far wiser.

But most of all, take in each moment of this eclipse with grace and as much ease as you can muster. These transits are cosmic nudges pushing us in the direction we need to go, not punishment. As much as it can feel like the universe is aligning against you, it's always conspiring for you and your evolution in this life.

Want to go deeper into this transit and understand the specific themes and lessons entering for you? My Eclipse Astrology Reading is now on sale. It is an experience that will support and empower you in understanding the events that began on April 23, 2023, and will continue until March 2025.

Laura Brown

Trauma-Informed Intuitive Guide and Transformational Coach

Pisces New Moon